Colin Charles Agenda

Not Utopia

Watched The Matrix Revolutions and Basic today. Both good shows, I understand Matrix Revelations a lot better now :)

OS X 10.3 detected the DVDs like a charm, and also played them automatically for me in full-screen. Excellent, I thought I’d try and replicate this with Fedora. So, I upgraded my kernel to one from Rawhide, followed the instructions from FNU#1, and had a working kernel.

Proceeded to download the Project Utopia stuff, did a rpm -Uvh, and it all installed. D-BUS wouldn’t start, but rml had a solution.

D-BUS started, but my joy didn’t exist. Granted, I wasn’t tracking Rawhide for my packages, and this is probably where things broke. Everytime I typed something into gnome-volume-properties, my console would report manager.c/168: Configuration: changed!. Guess there’s some work to be done with getting all the integration stuff working, and make it truly, more OS X like.

Probably should add that Fedora -> Preferences -> CD Properties actually gets stuff working pretty well, even on 2.4 kernels. No it doesn’t do all the funky “let’s detect new hardware”, but gnome-cd-properties generally gets audio CDs playing automagically.