Molly’s kids!
Spent half the day with Dr. Molly’s “kids”. OK, they’re folks she’s taken on to give them some work to do in the open source world – UTAR students on an attachment. Spoke to them about Fedora, and GNOME; introduced them to IssueZilla/Bugzilla and how they might find QA’ing bugs useful.
I see these ten bright students doing good things… They might not code well (yet), but they will be open source indoctrinated in due time. That said, I can’t stand the way the local uni’s are teaching them. They’re not. They’re learning more at this 6-month attachment (already in month two) rather than their first two years at uni. Sucks. And they’re paying big bucks.
I couldn’t have agreed with you more. I think the education
system is pretty dismal right about now.