Colin Charles Agenda

AOSG; Novell in the news

Presented a talk on “Open Source Productivity Suites” at the APIIT Open Source Group seminar today – it was mainly an OOo talk, with touches of KOffice and more GNOME Office. Featured some useful debugging screenshot(s), to which I didn’t get answers that I would’ve liked to hear!

OK, I’m Fedora biased in general, but Novell and SuSe are in the news, like crazy nowadays! With Novell buying SuSe (with a good KDE backing) and also Ximian (with a good GNOME backing), it seems that the natural thing to do is to combine the best of both worlds (from my understanding, this is like the BlueCurve theme of sorts?). Stand-alone Netware is being dropped in favour of the Open Enterprise Server offerings. IBM and Novell finalise a deal so that IBM servers will run SuSe out of the box; IBM used to be a thorough Red Hat shop.

Monash Malaysia is also apparently getting labs installed with SuSe – these were ex-Red Hat based machines. With all this, I can only but watch Planet SuSe more regularly, and of course look into opportunities in this field of knowledge.