More PPC fun; FC2 test2

Yay, follow these instructions and you’ll be up and running with FC2 test2 on your ex-Yellow Dog Linux install (so, this applies for PPC heads only). Firstly, download glibc-* from your favourite mirror (I used glibc-2.3.3-18), as well as tzdata-2003d-2, and gd-*. Then: rpm -Uvh glibc-*.rpm --oldpackage tzdata*.rpm gd*.rpm so that glibc gets updated.

Edit the yum.conf file to exclude glibc (otherwise it’ll try for an update), then to save you from dependency hell, remove pine, hfsutils, apt, and Xautoconfig. All that via yum, and finally using rpm, erase the yellowdog-artwork package (passing –nodeps helps), and perform an upgrade via yum.

FC2 test2 is out, and needs extra testing, with lots of SE Linux love! No, I’ve not tried it on PPC yet, but Paul seems to have (or is?).

One Comment

  1. mo says:

    You instructions do NOT work. First of all there is glibc-2.3.3-18 only a src version that fails to compile (RPM build errors: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.21052 (%build)). And if you go ahead and install the other two (tzdata-2003d-2, and gd-)well they have dependency problems as well and conflicts (I believe due to the inability to install glib-2.3.3-18).

    you guys should really take classes in clarity and writting skills ad setup clear install instructions or get propper install CDs. Else you’re all going to be trailing ydl’s dust (something to be embarrased about), a distro that unethically makes people pay to test betas, provides candied Desktop environment with aging apps (the inverse of debian). In addition, everytime they are criticized about broken apps –or so it seems to me– they counter by suggesting they concentrate on the buss or server field and not the user level consumer.

    I had hoped fedora would be different.

