Colin Charles Agenda 1.1.1 for OS X 10.3.x (Panther) Technology Preview Release

The primary purpose of this release is to get 1.1.1 for Mac OS X into the hands of users and testers who can hopefully help find and report any final nits that may still exist.

System Requirements
Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther), Apple’s X11 1.0 installed.

A future release will soon be made that will extend support to include Mac OS X 10.2.X (Jaguar) users running XFree86 XDarwin and with support for multiple localizations.

Download Site
Grab the file: OOo_Tech_Preview.pkg.tar.gz from

Double-Click OOo_Tech_Preview.pkg.tar.gz to unpack it. Then double-click OOo_Tech_Preview.pkg to perform the install.

The OpenOffice.org1.1.1 software will be installed into /Applications/OpenOffice.org1.1.1 on the boot volume. You can start-up OpenOffice.org1.1.1 by simply double-clicking on the Begin_OOorg application that can be found there (you can drag it to the Dock for easy access.)

Bug Reporting
Please join and then report all bugs to Issuezilla on website:

Your Mac OS X Porting Team for