dist-upgrade time

Because work is still done on the fedora ppc line of things, I track Sid (Debian unstable) on one of my iBook’s, to keep me relatively updated in the land outside of Fedora. Decided to dist-upgrade today, pulling in about 600MB of packages, with lots needing an update. libxft-dev gave me grief, Debian Bug reports gave me an answer – ended up just moving the file, and making it all well again. Seems dpkg-divert is borked, so it isn’t the XSF’s fault.

More grief though: acme is now something gnome requires; pbbuttonsd/gtkpbbuttons conflicts with acme, and if its installed, gnome goes away. Not fun. I like gtkpbuttons with its display of increasing or decreasing contrast/volume values, which acme doesn’t give me. Why can’t software not “conflict” with each other, and let the user decide which he/she wants to use? I’d definitely disable acme…. if I could. Ideas, anyone?

Update: Because oss “just works”, and ALSA is a whole bag of bones, getting mplayer to work is fun with a new switch: -ao oss. No alsa usage, just nice working, oss.


  1. kevin says:

    well, it stinks about acme, but…. why not use a different OS, is your so stuck to gnome,
    then it probubly wont change untill you create your own distro.(im not trying to insult you
    or anything im just being critical)i reccomend trying another OS, bsd or maby another distro?

  2. byte says:

    Hmm, its not another OS that will solve my problem – its a requires in the package format. GNOME is nice, and while switching to KDE or XFce is an option, its not one that I’m taking.

    BSD isn’t too bad, I’d run FreeBSD, and it’ll still have GNOME. Understand, this is PPC, so not everything “just works” (I’d have to have NetBSD for instance, which…just isn’t right for me).

  3. Ruben says:

    I downloaded Linows 4.5

  4. Ruben says:

    I mean Lindows 4.5

  5. Iain says:

    You can compile pbbuttons from source fairly easily and install it in /usr/local. Just configure acme not to use any buttons. I know you shouldn’t have to, but it will work.

  6. kevin says:

    well, it stinks about acme, but…. why not use a different OS, is your so stuck to gnome,
    then it probubly wont change untill you create your own distro.(im not trying to insult you
    or anything im just being critical)i reccomend trying another OS, bsd or maby another distro?
