Colin Charles Agenda

dist-upgrade time

Because work is still done on the fedora ppc line of things, I track Sid (Debian unstable) on one of my iBook’s, to keep me relatively updated in the land outside of Fedora. Decided to dist-upgrade today, pulling in about 600MB of packages, with lots needing an update. libxft-dev gave me grief, Debian Bug reports gave me an answer – ended up just moving the file, and making it all well again. Seems dpkg-divert is borked, so it isn’t the XSF’s fault.

More grief though: acme is now something gnome requires; pbbuttonsd/gtkpbbuttons conflicts with acme, and if its installed, gnome goes away. Not fun. I like gtkpbuttons with its display of increasing or decreasing contrast/volume values, which acme doesn’t give me. Why can’t software not “conflict” with each other, and let the user decide which he/she wants to use? I’d definitely disable acme…. if I could. Ideas, anyone?

Update: Because oss “just works”, and ALSA is a whole bag of bones, getting mplayer to work is fun with a new switch: -ao oss. No alsa usage, just nice working, oss.