gnome-blog works?

Well, here’s me testing to see if gnome-blog works with WordPress. It seems to, so yay to that. Just remember to set the blog to a self-run other, use the BloggerAPI, use your “xmlrpc.php” file as the URL, enter the username/password, and post away. Only disadvantage seems to be I can’t fiddle with categories here, so everything gets filed as “General”.

Otherwise, titles don’t actually get set so thats definitely a disadvantage. It gets embedded into the post itself. So, WordPress might not be for you Jesse (but I’m sure poking at either gnome-blog or WordPress will fix it eventually).


  1. TS. says:

    With B2 you used to be able to use in the body to set this into category number 2.

  2. Shaun says:

    I have no problem with WordPress’s titles – In gnome-blog I use Self-Run Other, using the MetaWeblog API (this is where we differ) .. same xml-rpc url, user & pass. HTH

  3. Shaun says:

    I have no problem with WordPress's titles – In gnome-blog I use Self-Run Other, using the MetaWeblog API (this is where we differ) .. same xml-rpc url, user & pass. HTH
