Colin Charles Agenda

XP Dual Boot problem fix?

You think Fedora eats babies? Find that it’s irresponsible to release code that damages your other partitions?

An anonymous wizard has written: Prevention and Recovery of XP Dual Boot Problems. Read it, breathe it, report back to us if it works. Constructive comments folk – yes, it may sound technical, but good constructive comments will help everyone.

In other news, Jack has made a fairly good stand on the MySQL licensing issues and why FC has yet to bundle it in. Joe Orton too. Don’t say “Novell do it, they’re not stupid” and expect that to stand as an argument – we’d be shipping Mono apps otherwise, too.

Update: lwn picked it up… SuSE 9.1 users are complaining too (KB entry to fix it), as are Mandrake 10 users – they just released their final version, will that eat babies too?