Colin Charles Agenda

The goat comes to town

So by now, its a well known fact, that Bill Gates is coming to Malaysia for an Innovation Day. If that doesn’t tickle your fancy, Gates and Ballmer are probably going to visit the Prime Minister of Malaysia, just like he did to the Australian Prime Minister.

While some view this as a good bargaining leverage to use against Microsoft, keep in mind lock-in is never a good leverage. OSIA have some press release suggested topics to talk about, no one (body) from Malaysia has come up with something suitable to let there be better bargaining power for Badawi. So now, the open source world will have to hope he’s been given sane advice and doesn’t buy into it.

And its confirmed eh, Linux is a threat to Microsoft. They know it, and they’re going to fight it with all their might. Users, developers, fellow advocates, we must unite, and only then can we stand. If you’re attending an event, flood them with free software.