More on Bill’s agenda

Linux isn’t a threat for him in Asia! He wants to boost the Malaysian IT sector, and make a bunch of MS drones – Prime Minister, please listen, and remember, there are alternatives – Apple’s OS X, Linux, and many others.

Education minister signed a 5-year contract, titled “Partners in Learning” – teachers and students are getting on the MS-track! RM10 million is a lot of moolah to be throwing around – why could this not have been farmed out to an open source training company or association?

At least he mentions that talent needs to be cultivated. Seems Malaysians rank “low in terms of know-how”. The usual education needs to be revamped stance shows itself, but now that they’re “locked-in” for five years, I don’t see how that’s a revamp, considering this was the case, five-years before too.


  1. Mark says:

    Hey, I LOVE MS! You’re touting Apple over it?? Geez, have you checked Apple’s prices lately? and over the years? Talk about closing out the ordinary guy! Say what you wil about Mr. Gates, at least he helped drive prices for computers down and quality up.:)

    Opensource is great and I’m glad it’s available. but Microsoft has made me more productive by far. I’d like to see Linux become friendlier, though. and run all my current apps. Until that time, afraid it’s just a passing fancy. Also, if you could recommend a user frinedly/Windows clone Linux distro, which would it be? that’s the key. show me where it is, I’ll try it. BTW, I’ve tried Mandrake and Knoppix. Long installs on both, kludgy interfacs and LOOOOOOONG boot/startup times.

  2. […] pm Billg thinks so. Especially, since that’s what he seems to be fanning on his little world tour. “If you don’t want to create jobs or int […]

  3. mark says:

    Colin, read the article. Thanks.:0)

    Well, it’s all about competition.:) Pushing and refining Linux makes MS more creative and Windows better and vice-versa.:) Consumers are the winners.:)

    Again, which distro of Linux would you recommend for a newbie like me? For Home use mostly.:) Thanks.:)

  4. colin says:

    Mark, I’d recommend Fedora :) But I’m biased
