Colin Charles Agenda

iMac DV Linux/PPC

No big feat, but Linux is now installed on the iMac that arrived yesterday (but I was out all day, so NFS installed it while in bed). Everything install for FC2 is 5881MB, from the known good tree at duke. Still no Mac images being generated for boot.iso (in spite of the script being fixed last Friday).

X took some massaging to get working. Firstboot still doesn’t run. DHCP from the Netgear that gives me hell, also doesn’t work. Sound hasn’t started working in spite of s/dmasound_pmac/snd_powermac/g in /etc/modprobe.conf (this is possibly due to the fact that iMac’s have issues playing audio CDs). The console is yellow-ish rather than a usual black – fix that with video=aty128fb at boot. Popped a DVD inside (Pretty Woman), and it got to the main menu screen where it was time to select the language; once that was done, it bombed. xine that is. Lot’s of work still needs to be done, it would seem.