
Setup a FC1 box, with the everything install. 550MB of packages later, it seemed to work. The distro has come a long way since that release, that much I can say (even the updates to it are a testament). 5881MB for an everything install, just in case anyone wants to fiddle with it. I’m going to commit that to doing Fedora Legacy stuff, since FC1’s EOL from Red Hat is nearing.

Started syncing a Rawhide PPC tree. We have boot.iso back, so this pretty much means test ISOs shall be out soon. This is doing wonders to my bandwidth quota… x86 Rawhide seems to work well, GNOME 2.7 stuff and all. Evolution is nice, but if you’re running it on a machine with 128MB of RAM, and doing junk mail filtering, you’ll not be a happy person (POP timeouts are commonplace). So the testbox got another 512MB stick, and its a lot happier now.
