9/11 Fedora PPC tree – sleep works with pmud

Sleep works! Yay! pmud works. Yay! This laptop (iBook g3) is now 100% usable, the same way it was back when I used to run Debian on it many moons ago. With all the nice GNOME improvements of course :) system-config-display still is a no go, use pmud-0.10-1.1 (do not rebuild). Sound needs manual fixing, using dmasound_pmac, acme is a charm, eject though is still broken (but thats because cdrom drive isn’t a detected device). system-config-network still broken. But really, this is now production ready!


  1. ssam says:

    how does fedora ppc compare to yellowdog linux? they seem to have spend months on making yellowdog, with fc2 as a base, and have just released a 3rd release client. is all their work pointless? are they feeding back useful stuff to fedora?
    i am wondering what to put on my ti 1ghz 15″ powerbook, when i get back to a fast web connection in a few weeks. thanks ssam

  2. byte says:

    YDL4 is a hacked up version of FC2, and more. Their work is not pointless, don’t forget they hack it up nicely with the idea that they’re going to sell the lot and get money for it. Re pushing back useful things to upstream, I’m not going to comment :)

    What do you want to put on your powerbook? I’d say Fedora, because a) I hack on it, b) I’d think is “better” and more “current”. Keep in mind you pay for ydl…

  3. Ramblings says:

    X.org 6.8.0 with composite
    built, installed – and guess what? It *works*!

    well… for some value of works.

    missing a bunch of extra libs i need for some apps (e.g. emacs) and any translucent windows make it go *slllooooowwww*. but drop shadows work okay.

    maybe in a rele…

  4. suzy wandson says:

    It would be nice to see more of this.
