Colin Charles Agenda

FC3 vs. Ubuntu (silly)

Don’t get me wrong, I love Ubuntu, but the Fedora Core 3 vs Ubuntu Warty Warthog was filled with some FUD.

Red Hat Magazine really doesn’t get printed anymore, so you don’t get a copy of FC3 from there. What users are complaining of kernel panics? Media file problems are normal – Ubuntu can’t support MP3’s either. Networking woes? Fedora never claims to support anything more than ext2/ext3, it just so happens if the reviewer had a clue, he’d have realised that booting with linux xfs or linux reiserfs is what is used to get those options enabled. Besides which, Reiser and SELinux don’t play nice, so it really isn’t recommended.

Come to first booting, and the icon placements and nice desktop integration on Ubuntu. That’s not upstream GNOME (if Red Hat pulled something like this, goodness, the bad press). Fedora’s does not crash the system when you try to use the spell-checker – you installed all the languages so it takes time to read it in. Thats in general. Does junk mail filtering work in Ubuntu?

Surely the media support on Ubuntu and Fedora is the same. There is no MP3 support or other proprietary codecs – its all ogg and open stuff, damnit. I’d agree that the Synaptic integration on Ubuntu is good – we need that for YUM, hopefully FC4 will see system-config-packages and yum more integrated.

Urgh, why do I bother. If at all to jive up Fedora Marketing.