Colin Charles Agenda

Groupware stuff

Back in Beijing, and when I came yesterday it snowed; the last time it did that was the day I left. Nice.

Been battling Open-Xchange since yesterday, but happy to say it all works now. LDAP, Ox, Plone, yes, it all works together. And its reproducible. Now we can safely say, we can sell you a groupware solution. Though tomorrow, it’s time to investigate OpenGroupware more seriously – since we want cross-platform “connectors”, so to speak.

Either I’m missing something crucial, or to add a link in Ox’s toolbar, it seems too painful. Editing is not my idea of fun, just to add another button on the toolbar. And without Evolution connection, Ox is definitely not a winner for real deployment. Before FC-2 got released, there was talk, and there was a comprehensive list posted of what was available. Then Jon Orris studied a few, found OpenGroupware and Horde to be useful, but nothing happened… Maybe FC-4 needs something like this?