Asia Source #3 and #4
Yesterday was great. How to plan a migration, and another part of the folk got to take a tour of the Linux desktop and other varied applications. Afternoon session was something on FLOSS and disabilities – got to see the software that Stephen Hawking uses, and got to take Gnopernicus with festival for a twirl in FC-3, which impressed everyone.
Today, further talks about migration, and we did a dual-boot install on a Windows-based laptop that was relatively new. Surprisingly, everything seems to “just work”. The ICT & Disasters talk was excellent – GRASS was demo-ed (now all we need is a nice front-end), as well as lots of other disaster-related relief information cropped up. Didn’t realise that there was so much free GIS/mapping data available online.
Culture jamming was something else that got covered ( ?), and it seemed rather interesting. Lots of “activists” see this as “art”, what I sometimes see as an annoyance; but its rather interesting new viewpoint. Seeing Seth getting a scarf, funnily enough for Christmas, I got my first scarf too – the girl decided to knit one for me and it took her months! Now, thats literally one of my most prized posessions that goes along with my trenchie real well.