Lacking sha1sum?

So, I need my Fedora fix on x86. But I also wanted to verify disc 3 badly, seeing that I had to download it over many segments. Come OpenSSL to the rescue.

openssl dgst -sha1 FC4-i386-disc{1,2,3,4).iso

That magic command gave me the right sha1sum’s, to match with the SHA1SUM that is provided. man openssl and man dgst clearly helped!


  1. Kees de Koster says:

    Thanks, Just what I was looking for :-)


  2. Tom Dawson says:

    It appears to me that “openssl dgst -sha1” has a limit on the
    size of file it will work with.

    On Linux:
    -rw-r–r– 1 tdawson tdawson 2932811657 Sep 5 07:30 FC4-x86_64-DVD.iso
    [tdawson@tdawsond ~]$ openssl dgst -sha1 FC4-x86_64-DVD.iso
    FC4-x86_64-DVD.iso: File too large

    And on Solaris:

    -rw-r–r– 1 root sys 2932811657 Sep 4 21:03 FC4-x86_64-DVD.iso
    flo1cswstg # openssl dgst -sha1 FC4-x86_64-DVD.iso
    FC4-x86_64-DVD.iso: Value too large to be stored in data type
    flo1cswstg #
