Guess its time to mention the antics of Sunday. I was on a VLine train, heading from Melbourne to Corio, to send my cousin back into school. The stop was announced, and I was trying to open the door. It seemed jammed.
I moved to the next door. It swung open. At this very time, the train decided to start moving (or at least pick up speed). The impact of it all was that I got swung out of the train, and hit the gravel platform.
First aid was provided by the conductor, who was highly apologetic. Doors don’t open while trains move…. They offered to pay my full medical fees provided I visited the Geelong hospital, but when he found out I stayed in Melbourne instead, he said contact Vline if there were bills, and so on.
His responsiveness to the situation seemed to me like this was normal happenings on Vline trains.
On Monday I headed to the doctors, who served me with iodine (now on open wounds, thats painful), and gauzed up both my ankles and left arm. I got a tetanus jab, and am on antibiotics now.
Seems that its not a good idea to wet the wounds, so showering sparingly is a good idea. Today, I had a Glad Wrap, and plastic bag shower. This is highly annoying… More news come Thursday when I get re-dressed.