Colin Charles Agenda

Nokia N73: impressions on the Optus network, and a Mac

I am now the proud owner of a Nokia N73. Thank you Optus. Of course, getting to use it is a little quirky.

I’ve not been able to get the Flickr Upload working. Maybe this is something Optus decided to disable? Anyone can confirm this? Instead, I’ve decided that a ShoZu account is probably what I want, and that’s my “interface” to Flickr or even to WordPress it would seem. Oops, scratch that. Flickr Upload does work, it just seems to be configured a little differently (and if you’re doing it on a Mac, you need to send the file via the Bluetooth File Exchange utility in Applications/Utilities). One thing ShoZu is missing seems to be the MovableType API.

I’ve not been able to get it to sync with Linux, which is a bit of a pain, but I’ve managed to get it to sync with iSync on the Mac. You want to read Adri’s excellent post on the topic, and get this file. I’d say read the site, but I can’t read German myself. Now my calendar and contact details are on my phone, which is rather nifty, because unlike the iPod, I can edit entries here.

Inserting the memory card is a pain. You need nails. I just cut mine yesterday. I thought this was bad on the Nokia 770, but this one’s worse. Speaking of which, the chargers for the Nokia 770 and the N73 are similar! No more old Nokia phone chargers (though they do provide the dongle for it, if you absolutely need to use it).

I can’t figure out how to display the time thats being taken on the current call. Help? This was available on the Ericsson T610, and the Minute Minder is generally useful as here we have free 20 minute calls to other Optus customers. Also, the Autolock seems daft – why do I need to enter a pin to unlock a keylock? On the T610, after 20 seconds it’d keylock the phone, but unlocking it was simple and didn’t require a PIN. Can this be replicated?

It has a built-in radio. Very cool stuff. I just paid $5.50 so I could get my favorite ring tone, Bittersweet Symphony on the phone. Talk about a Optus Zoo sham. Worse, its not even the tune that I wanted, but a twenty second MP3 rip!

And the camera phone, probably the reason I went with this, is just amazing. The photo quality is great. Its got more megapixels than my first digital camera. Technology has come far!

Quirk: once I’ve locked the keypad, and open the camera, it takes a while before all things start working. This is with the radio playing in the background.

Anyways, more after some playing. In other notes, I’m sick. High fever, flu, and its really hot outside. Sigh.