Colin Charles Agenda

Free ride to MySQL Camp

I don’t normally blog about events that I’m not going to be attending, but this seemed like too cool an offer to pass up. Proven Scaling will be offering one free ticket to MySQL Camp – thats free airfare and hotel, for the rather cool MySQL Camp un-conference.

From what I can tell, there’ll be a lot of rather cool people attending, its from the 10-12 November, at the Google campus (yes, you get to tour that place, and eat free food). And maybe if you’re super nice to Jeremy, he might be flexible with the flights, and you might also want to go to the Mountain View Ubuntu Summit. Having been to one of these before (Ubuntu Down Under), all I can say is its great. Go if you can.

All at Google. Food’s covered. Find a couch somewhere (I’ll admit, there are no real cheap-ish hotels in that area, but if you’re willing to go the public transport route, its a 30 minute train ride to the city, afaik).

So kudos to Jeremy Cole and Proven Scaling for such a great offer.

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