Real-life-scenario: Linux outsmarts OS X in Samba

Safari repeatedly crashed when it was redirected to Starhub’s portal (Firefox survived). In fact, OS X didn’t know how to handle the disconnect from “SHARE2” upon wakeup, I just got the spinning beachball of death for about five minutes before deciding to reboot the machine. How dismal.

In contrast, Linux just disconnected the mounted Samba share and let me continue on with my work. I also got connected to the Starhub portal all thanks to NetworkManager (whose icons are way better than the Internet Connect widget that Apple ships).

All this while awaiting my flight from SIN -> KUL. And kudos to the Singapore Airport, which now seems to have WiFi everywhere not just in their certain powered areas. I did all this while awaiting to board my flight at the boarding gate itself.

Linux: 1, Apple: 0

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One Comment

  1. fatchow says:

    Nice,May be you could do it better.
