Colin Charles Agenda

My migration to Intel

The migration happened about two weeks ago. It took a little over 2 hours to get everything transferred over (in the order of about 51GB transferred over Firewire). Things that needed to get sorted out:

Adobe Photoshop is idiotic. Its as daft as Windows XP. I’ve reached my maximum activations (what’s that, 2? – mind you I already tolerate the you can only have one copy of this application open on the network at any given time). Its a good thing I didn’t zap the Powerbook entirely to install Linux on it, and have it just sleeping so I can comply with Adobe thinking that I may be a pirate. Its stupidity like this that I think I should only use open source software and if it wasn’t helpful, pirate software.

All in all, this was a large usage in bandwidth. The migration wasn’t as seamless as I thought it would be. It ate up a good portion of a day… And now, I can’t sit with my legs propped up on the desk with the laptop on my lap – it burns my skin :-(

Update: I think that in the very near future, I’ll probably have to find it in my strapped pocketbook to buy a Macbook for Mac-related work. They’re 64-bit now, and have everything the Macbook Pro’s have, minus the ExpressCard slot (which I can do without). Looks like 2007 is the year of buying laptops… sigh. At which point I’ll be able to blog about a “MacIntel to MacIntel migration”.