Colin Charles Agenda

A weird world; Falcon’s public

This is a weird world. I’ve learnt that the Falcon tree is now public thanks to following Brian’s blog (which thankfully I follow, not just thru Planet MySQL, which is also unreachable), and reading Slashdot’s RSS feed. I was sure there was going to be email, and today, I’ve managed to suck mail from the MySQL’s mail server thru some convoluted means and find the announcement :-)

The Taiwan quake has made Streamyx’s quality of service extremely low. More importantly, it’s not allowing me to write or get mail (something I haven’t done in a while). I sincerely hope that no one’s doing silly BitTorrents or podcasts (I think downloading MP3 files fail immediately, or I just can’t even connect to PodShow and get my Daily Source Code), and that some magic routing starts working.

Happy New Year. I had a great December, visiting Siem Reap, Cambodia and Bangkok, Thailand (escaping the bombings by a mere day), took a great many photos (I estimate about 3,000 RAW files), and will upload them to Flickr the moment I actually can access the site!

Oh, back to the topic of Falcon. Larry McVoy of Bitkeeper fame is working on the bkbits server, to ensure that even the free client can pull certain revisions, and not just HEAD, which sometimes might not be what you’re after. So BK’s free tools might not be able to get you 1.2384’s changeset (yet), which might very well be the Falcon alpha in the 5.1 tree.

Here’s hoping the Internet weather improves. How’s the weather in your area?