Maemo 3.0 on Fedora Core 6 (N800 development environment)

Maemo 3.0 (Bora), and Scratchbox APOPHIS installs just fine on Fedora Core 6. Its important to probably follow the install documentation, and do just a few other things.

First of, it starts with the installation. If you’re on an x86_64 platform, it is suggested that you have some kind of chroot environment setup. In Debian land, you might find reading Maemo 2.0 on AMD64 handy, however in Fedora-land, there’s a great utility called setarch.

SELinux should be disabled before installation. As root, type echo 0 > /selinux/enforce. Then proceed to install via:

setarch i386sudo ./ -s /opt/scratchbox -u username

The above installs it to the path /opt/scratchbox, and adds username to the sbox group. Now, while in your i386 “chroot”, run, sudo /opt/scratchbox/sbin/sbox_ctl start, and try running /opt/scratchbox/login. You should be greeted with a prompt like: [sbox-SDK_X86: ~]>.

Outside of Scratchbox (I suggest you exit it), run bash -s /opt/scratchbox (the -s specifies the path, if you installed it in /scratchbox, its not necessary). Continue following on the instructions in the install documentation.

Pull down Xephyr via YUM – its xorg-x11-server-Xephyr. Remember that all this won’t work unless you’re in the sbox group, so if things seem to be broken, run id and see if you can see that you’re a member of the sbox group.

maemo on fc6

Maemo running on Fedora Core 6

At startup, just run setarch i386, then don’t forget to start scratchbox via sudo /opt/scratchbox/sbin/sbox_ctl start. Fire up Xephyr, via Xephyr :2 -host-cursor -screen 800x480x16 -dpi 96 -ac (this should be done outside your setarch-ed environment), and then login to scratchbox, export the display to :2, and run start. You should have the Maemo environment running now.

Update: Russell Coker dropped me a line, and yes, while I don’t simply encourage the turning off, of SELinux, this was not implied by me. There’s a test in that checks on this (lines 420-427), and it recommends that it should be dropped to permissive mode. You can also obviously use the setenforce tool. Also, if you’re looking for a guide to Xephyr, he’s got a resource that’s pretty good.


  1. […] just learnt that that on i386, vdso will need to be disabled if you’re setting up Maemo 3.0 on Fedora Core 6. And I also learnt that on x86_64, there is no vdso. Props to #fedora-devel, and […]

  2. Michel Salim says:

    It’s been working well for me even without the setarch. Scratchbox 1.0 is turning out much nicer than the older version!

  3. byte says:

    Cool, thanks for the information. Odd that it mentions its x86 only, it actually works out of the setarch. Did you set it up in full x86_64?

  4. Michel Salim says:

    Yes; I just set it up as if I’m running on i386. There are some issues — I have to re-run the script at every boot-up, but apart from that things work fine.

    Do you have a problem logging /out/ of Scratchbox? I get the following (on Rawhide), with and without setarch.

    /opt/scratchbox/login: line 316: kill: (-17208) – No such process

  5. Nicholas says:

    Hi Colin,

    I read your blog with interest, i wonder if you are aware of like minded maemo developers in the australia, would it be possible for you to get in touch with me?

    Kind regards

  6. Jakov says:


    Thanks for your useful guide. It helped me a lot. Just a small problem: I don’t know how to set qemu for scratchbox. sb-menu shows only target and something related. sb-conf ls -t shows me a lot of qemu but I don’t know how to specify a right qemu: sb-conf st -t ???

    Could you help me out? Thanks very much!

  7. Jakov says:

    OK. I got it. Thanks.
