WordPress Matt writes that your WordPress.com blog URL is now usable as an OpenID login. I’m thrilled about that, but what happens when you’ve got an ID, sitting at MyOpenID? Does OpenID support merging of profiles, so you only maintain your OpenID at one location?
I now have two OpenID accounts – one at WordPress.com and one at MyOpenID. How does this help my overall problem of only wanting to have one OpenID to login to all my services? When I login to Zooomr or Livejournal, am I doing so with the ID listed at MyOpenID or WordPress.com? Alas, I tried it, and there is confusion. The onus is now on me to remember which OpenID registra I’ve used on which site.
Beginning to think that OpenID in itself isn’t terribly useful, if all its going to create are a lot of registras, and a lot of fragmentation. If they wanted a good model to base this on, why not look at plain Jane DNS? You can have many different registras, but the bottom line is, bytebot.net is always going to be me.
Technorati Tags: openid, authentication, online identity, identity management, registras