Leaving Summer of Code applications to the last minute?
We had about a 70% increase in applications for the Google Summer of Code, in the last 24-hours. This prompted me to post to the summer-discuss list, pimping some new projects. We’re rocking in getting external mentors, for projects that will benefit the community:
- I already pimped Sheeri a few days ago, and she’s got the MySQL Auditing Software up her sleeve
- We’ve also got Paul McCullagh (of PBXT storage engine fame), wanting The “anti-profiler” – a performance analysis tool for database engines
Now comes the interesting task of separating the wheat from the chaff. We prefer applications that are specific (don’t send an application saying you’ll work on anything – thats not a strong application, at all). Check your feedback. We can’t be emailing all of you individually and tying that in with the Google web-app, as well.
In case anyone’s wondering why the Friday->Saturday has given us a 70% increase in applications, I’m pretty certain its the idea behind college kids liking to procrastinate and leaving things to the last minute. Guess this is going to make my weekend, interesting.
Technorati Tags: google summer of code, gsoc, summer of code, learn, code, mysql, auditing, profiling, performance analysis, performance