Colin Charles Agenda

Real artists ship

If anyone’s missed these excellent posts, I should really point them out.

How does this relate to the community around your company/product? In a bad way, quite clearly. The open source way has always been to find an itch, scratch it, release something, then talk about it. Nowadays, it seems that people rather talk about an idea, become itchy with the publicty, attempt to scratch it, and by the time its out to ship, initial interest has already fizzled out.

Steve Jobs is right when he says “real artists ship”. The way Apple release products? Create in secrecy (itch, scratch), release with a big bang (release, then PR), get cult following (seems to work recetly, pretty well).

Its April 01 2007 today. Happy April Fool’s? Happy Birthday Apple – a long 31 years it has been.