Forge gets an update, Summer of Code progressing well

MySQL Forge has been recently worked on. The Wiki got updated, there are some new extensions sitting around, and its “secure” as MediaWiki can get. The Forge itself has a nice little MySQL Conference & Expo banner, kudos to Lenz. Incidentally, register now, already. MediaWiki doesn’t have great banner support, so you’ve actually got to go in and hack on the PHP to display banners (MediaWiki:Sidebar itself, doesn’t support image loading! Then how do you link to an image?).

Been doing so much other stuff at MySQL recently, its a bit refershing to work on Forge. We’re safely off the 1.6 branch, and single sign on should be a goal next.

From the Google Summer of Code point of view, we’ve got a firmed up “wanting to accept” eight students, possibly. If Google will give us that much. Interesting stuff, with auditing software, IPv6 support, benchmarking (i.e. load testing), an Atom store, test suite, anti-profiler, keyword search in MySQL applications. We’ve got some amazing mentors – including Jim Starkey.

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