movies, march 2007


  • The World’s Fastest Indian – inspiring story, telling you, you can still achieve your dreams when old, and when everyone writes you off. Some Down Under-isms, and how it is when going to the US clearly made me chuckle
  • Bulletproof – this came via Quickflix, and I realized that I’d already seen it before and not logged it. The wonders of cable TV, ala ASTRO, while I was in Malaysia. Its a funny show, with a bit of action here and there…
  • Super Size Me – terrestial TV had this. Amazing show. I knew McDonalds was bad, but I’m pretty certain that my bulking up in recent years was caused by McDonalds, pizza, and Snicker bars. Slowly thats all being cut down, or cut off, but fast food is probably a really bad idea.
  • Ghost Rider
  • Wild Hogs
  • Norbit
  • Death to the Supermodels – utter rubbish, don’t ever waste your time watching it. Quickflix’s recommendations are getting worse.
  • Kinky Boots – terribly interesting, great inspiration to remaking and reinventing things.
  • Lonesome Jim – boring, put me to sleep, even the presence of Liv Tyler didn’t help.
  • The Sweetest Thing – wow, television has come a long way in showing something I actually enjoyed. Funny, Cameron Diaz show, about taking that leap.
  • EuroTrip – a teen flick, seemed very much like Road Trip on steroids, but I enjoyed it much (also on television).
  • Derailed – the last good movie Quickflix has sent. Its excellent. The plot is something you can’t figure out till the end. Justice is served, pity that all the crooks die in the end :-(
  • Bobby – amazing cast, all connected together by JFK. Interesting concept, but I think this might have been money better spent elsewhere. Watch it for the stars?
  • Borat – its out on DVD. Incredibly funny. Crass. Though Ali G in my opinion, was much better.

Of course, when I cancel my account with Quickflix at the end of this month (the value I was getting was certainly not good, with each DVD costing at least $0.05 more than if I got them at a video rental store), I certainly want to watch a bunch more “old” movies, that I’ll probably just list here, quickly:

  • Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets
  • Win A Date With Tad Hamilton
  • The Good Girl
  • Boy Eats Girl
  • Chocolat
  • Ghost (but I remember getting this DVD, its just some 8000kms away, and I’ve seen bits and bobs on telly)
  • Matchstick Men
  • Changing Hearts
  • The Day After Tomorrow
  • Les Miserables

After typing that all, I realized that this would be best kept in Tomboy. But if anyone has recommendations or wants to tell me something in the above list sucks, by all means, do so.


  1. agm says:

    Trust me, you so not want to spend 2 hours and 4 minutes of your life on The Day After Tomorrow. You’d be better to invest your time getting falling-down drunk, and it’d probably be more fun for you too. (Especially if you’re a teetotaler.)

  2. ah says:

    heres the link for Tomboy – since col’n was too slack to put in the hyperlink ;)

  3. ah says:

    ahhh brackets dont work…

  4. Stephen says:


    Thanks for listing the diverse range of movies- with over 23,000 titles (over ten times that of the vid stores) range is also one of the great fatures of online DVD rental services such as Quickflix. In terms of value when you take into account that there are no additional delivery or return costs and no late fees Quickflix we think pricing stacks up very well against the video store. Our 3 DVDs out at a time subscription works out to be less than a $1.25 a day.

    Thanks for the opportunity to respond.

    Stephen @ Quickflix
