Looking for a bargain N800 in the USA – Froogle best?
Seeing that I’ll be in United States next week (or rather this weekend), I figured it’d be nice to find an N800. It retails for USD$399, at all the CompUSA outlets within the San Francisco region. I thought that maybe, Google’s Froogle tool might assist, but have been pretty disappointed to find that the cheapest available from a reputable dealer seems to be USD$349.99 (from Popular Electronics, in Chicago).
Is Froogle the best to search for bargains in the USA? Can I find a cheaper N800 in San Francisco?
That aside, Froogle is a rather cool tool. Its got some amazing sorting facilities (sorting by relevance or price, which is important for bargain hunters), and if you enter a city, state or zip code (post code), it also provides a map (directly out of Google Maps) of stores in the area. Rather nifty, I must say. And of course there are also sponsored links (AdWords) on the page. All in all, if you’ve not visited it, do pay it a visit. Not so useful in Australia, where something like ShopBot might be handier, but clearly something for the folk at Google to think about bringing to the Aussie market.
Technorati Tags: handhelds, n800, cheap, san francisco, froogle