Second Annual Silicon Valley Ruby Conference
In addition to the MySQL Conference & Expo 2007, which I just registered for (yes, its not too late, register now!), I also registered for the Second Annual Silicon Valley Ruby Conference. Its at The Tech Museum in San Jose (I honestly have no idea where that is from the Hyatt Santa Clara, but I’m sure a nice taxi driver will), and of things that will clearly interest me are:
Day 1
9:15am – 10:15am Full-Stack Web App Testing with Selenium and Rails – Alex Chaffee
12:30pm – 1:30pm Business Scripting Languages – Asuman Suenbuel and Murray Spork
2:40pm – 3:40pm ActiveRecord – Evan (Rabble) Henshaw-Plath
Day 2
9:15am – 10:15am Making and Breaking Web Services with Ruby – Chris Wanstrath
10:20am – 11:20am Twitter – Blaine Cook
1:35pm – 2:35pm Mongrel Handlers – Ezra Zygmuntowicz
Everything else, I’ll be learning about. Can’t wait to spend the weekend all pumped with the Ruby community. Guess I’ve got some reading to do this week, on the long plane ride there. Incidentally, I just picked my tickets up, so will be in the Bay Area from the 20th right till the 28th of April so if you want to meet, drop me email (colin[at]mysql[dot]com) or SMS/call(expensive) +61412593292.
If you need to know what DSLs are, start with Martin Fowler’s talk. Pretty cool :)
SAP is a business software company, in this context, I actually think that Asuman and Murray gave a nice, technical presentation on how Ruby can be used in a business world. I learned some new things like ABAP as a 4GL and it is worth to think about the similarities between ABAP and Ruby, the bridge between front-end and back-end.
I actually enjoyed their presentation. You didn’t hear a single other person talking how Ruby is being used in a business context. SAP did, SAP seriously considers to use Ruby in an Enterprise world and this is very important for the success of a programming language. Great programming languages failed in the past, not because they were bad, the industry didn’t pick it up. The industry didn’t know how to use it. Mat and others from the core team are seriously pushing that Ruby gets picked up by industry folks.
With Ruby at the moment, I’m glad that companies like SAP is using it, otherwise, it feels like a get together of a bunch of nerdy graduate students who just like playing around. % years later, you move on to a new hype.
I talked to IBM and SUN folks, but didn’t really understand what they are doing.