Colin Charles Agenda scales; Japanese Character Set; Data Warehousing

I missed a couple of talks that I’d really have liked to attend, for various reasons (probably the fact that at the MySQL conferences, staff also have a tonne of meetings and customers/people to meet). Thanks to the great bloggers, I don’t feel so bad for missing such talks. And for the ones with no blogs and notes, well, I’ll just hope and dream up the fact that sometime in the future, there will be video recorded sessions, available on the same day on the Internet, in OGG (like was done at 2007).

Eric Lai has an interesting article in ComputerWorld titled: How uses the LAMP stack to scale upward. And Mike Kruckenberg had some of his notes, which I think are also useful. Considering don’t really publish information about their technology, or anything for that matter, its interesting to see how they’re scaling and running “the modern Slashdot”. Eli White also has the slides he used, at his website for his Technology @ Digg talk (yay! Only in, so go download it). He also has a blog thats worth following.

Sheeri Kritzer has some great information about the Japanese Character Set. Concise notes, its like I didn’t miss the talk. Will prove useful, as I plan on going to the MySQL Conf in Tokyo, right before our developer meeting this year.

Brian gives great tips and tricks on data warehousing, and I was a little upset I didn’t visit his talk. Again, Sheeri comes to the rescue: Data Warehousing Tips & Tricks.

Spoke to Eric Bergen a little while ago after drinks, and he was wondering how come I didn’t post about his tutorial with Jeremy Cole, on MySQL Scaling & High Availability Architectures. I do have a tonne of notes, that I’ve got to actually type up (yay, I have work to do on the plane ride home), but it’ll probably be useful to actually get the tutorial notes. My own notes will come later…

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