Colin Charles Agenda

Photograph of Melanie C in Wikipedia

The other day, I got interesting Flickr mail. It was from a Wikipedia writer, who wanted to use a Flickr image of mine for an article. Whoote! I was pretty excited. One thing I found odd, was that the licensing should only be Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike. You can’t have the No Deriviatives clause, neither can you have the No Commercial Use clause (why? Is Wikipedia becoming commercial?). So I went thru a little “re-licensing” process for that particular image.

Anyways, not one of my proudest shooting moments, here’s Melanie C, from the Spice Girls. You’re very nicely attributed and all, so I’m pretty happy with my image being in Wikipedia. Shot at 200mm, f/5.6, with a really beginner lens, aka the 55-200mm (yes, long before the days I had the 70-200/2.8).

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