Colin Charles Agenda

Scaling MySQL presentations

Everyone likes to scale – Peter Van Dijck has got some top 10 presentations listed – Twitter, Flickr, LiveJournal, Six Apart (Vox),, SlideShare, etc. Guess what these sites are all generally backed by? You guessed right – go MySQL. I however didn’t know that Bloglines was backed by Sleepycat.

If you’re interested in viewing some rather swanky MySQL-related presentations, check out the mysql tag on SlideShare, as well.

I especially like Brad Fitzpatrick’s LiveJournal: Behind the Scenes talk that he gave at Yet Another Perl Conference Asia 2007. The LiveJournal folk (Brad mostly?) have built some amazing tools that we all take for granted daily – memcached, perlbal, djabberd, OpenID and so much more. In fact, for those thinking about presenting at the MySQL Users Conference Japan 2007 (in September), I’d suggest looking at Brad’s slide deck – look at how he does dual languages! I don’t know if he wrote the Japanese as well, but I think this is definitely a good idea.

Now to go read up on mogilefs and all the other cool tools at Danga Interactive.

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