Colin Charles Agenda

Yahoo! Pipes – the Edwin Pipe in under 15 minutes

At the MySQL Conference the closing keynote was on Yahoo! Pipes, by Pasha Sadri, a Principal Software Engineer, Advanced Development Division, Yahoo!. I wanted to try it, but I was on Firefox 1.5 on Fedora Core 6 and there was no way I was going to build a pipe during the talk.

Fast forward a week or so later, and a boring Friday night ensued. What better thing to do, than to play with Pipes. In under fifteen minutes, I created the Edwin Pipe. What is it? Its a pipe that is all things MySQL – comprehensive source of news, whats cool, and so forth. There are some limitations – regular expression support is supposedly like Perl’s, but is not quite complete. The Unique operator is pretty cool, filtering is good (can be improved with better regex support), and maybe some sort of fuzzyness in the way data is displayed (I don’t only want all Digg mysql related items popping up at the top, or I don’t only want all mysql job forum details at the bottom, etc.). Language conversion via a Babelfish operator exists, but not language filtering (maybe I only want all English text displayed in my final pipe output).

That aside, the forums are pretty active. Pipes are ridiculously easy to create. Its simply great stuff. Oh, shorter URLs – the URLs are so long and not feasible, in my opinion. Impressive is the support to then get RSS output, and also JSON (so all processing is done on the server side). Happy I am with sites that provide JSON feeds.

Now, for some notes I took during the closing keynote.

Edwin 2.0 is already in the works. It will have more cool feeds, and probably work out all the language issues with more separated regexes. More fuzzy organizing of data, if possible. If you want to see a MySQL Blogger Photo Gallery, bman_seattle created a pipe too.

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