Colin Charles Agenda

Some random thoughts, notes, etc. from the MySQL Conference & Expo 2007

Here are some random thoughts, notes, observations, etc.

Jay Pipes – he made the conference possible

Some of my photos from the MySQL Conference & Expo – 26 April, 27 April. I wish I had more time & energy (& inspiration) to take more photos. Lenz Grimmer took some of the photos at dinner, as he was taken away by the 50/f1.4 lens and no usage of the magic flash (in fact, I didn’t even bring my external flash unit for the trip).

Mr. Eventum – at the hotel, while we all wound down
Dinner with some of the community members was fun, as always. Next year, more community members should stick around and we should all eat, meet and greet. The Fish Market has got good seafood (save for their lobster, which comes from… Australia. Not something I’d want!)

I was afraid, I thought he’d eat the power squid!