Save the date: MySQL Users Conference Japan 2007

You know you want to go. Its going to be in Tokyo, Japan. Having passed by the Narita airport quite some number of times, I’ve always wondered what was beyond those walls.

MySQL UC-J: September 11-12 2007

I would sincerely encourage all folk in the Asia-Pacific region, using or dabbling in MySQL to attempt to be there. Thats right, I’m calling on you folk from Singapore, Malaysia, China, Korea, Thailand, and how can we forget our beloved Australia & New Zealand (though I’m not sure if flying to Tokyo is any less harrowing an experience than flying to San Francisco).

Flights are going to be shorter, they are going to be cheaper, and you’re going to get to see Tokyo. More importantly, if you pre-register, rumor has it, you will not be paying an attendance fee. Seats will be snapped up fast. Session lineups are amazing. What more can I say besides its going to be a great & fun experience for all.

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  1. aubs says:

    wow – zero attendance fee… FREE – I like free….

  2. Mike Hillyer says:

    So when’s the call for speakers (and do we get airfare? ;)
