Colin Charles Agenda

Bluetooth headset that pairs to multiple devices

I have deeply started liking to use my Jabra BT20V Buletooth headset, as its just dandy for hands free communication, and it was ridiculously cheap.

However, I have also found out that the device does not pair with multiple devices. So, if you have two Bluetooth capable phones (like I do now, but not when I first wrote that “review”), only one phone can actually be paired to the headset at any given time. This is, rather inconvenient.

A review of the Jabra BT8010 basically states that it can pair with 2 devices, but was buggy (firmware fix helps). But it also costs USD$149!

If anyone has any idea about Bluetooth headsets, please do assist in recommending one. I’m after largely one that will pair with at least 2 devices. If it does more, say 2 mobile phones and 2 computers (I’d ideally like to pair my headset with four devices eventually) and works seamlessly, i.e. it can answer calls from any device (I don’t expect it to make calls), I’m definitely in the market for such a device.

(for reference: bt250v review at dealtime, google says that older headsets had this feature and newer ones don’t – why’d anyone remove such a useful feature? hbh-30 works, but newer headsets suck)

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