Twitcash (earn money via your Twitter or Facebook account)

As more and more people get on the Twitter and Facebook bandwagon, advertisers are bound to crop up. I bring you, a rather devious ad company, Twitcash. Everytime you place an ad on your “stream”, you get paid per follower, per post on Twitter, and per friend, per feed item.

Granted, its not easy to get followers (on Twitter) or friends (on Facebook) unless you actually have interesting content or really, real friends.

Will Twitcash take off? Are you willing to risk your friends being annoyed by your adverts? Somehow, I doubt someone “un-friending” you on Facebook for an ad or two (similarly with Twitter). On Twitter, you can just “leave” the person, yet be a friend. On Facebook, there’s a good chance you’ll miss the ad, amongst all the folk adding (or removing) applications :)

I think this is just a start of the market, for advertising firms to look into the next generation of advertising. For instance, no one paid me to get blown away by the Heinz ad on tv last night. But I Twittered it, and blogged it. And therein lies what an advertising company should be looking at if they were to start a marketing campaign.

On another tangent, I for one think Friendster is nearing the end of its life, with Facebook being the clear winner. However, reading today’s newspaper, it seems that it still gets 22.5 million visitors monthly. ” It is also the top site in the Philippines and the No 2 site in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. It has a strong presence in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Macau.”

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One Comment

  1. Heh, TwitCash was written as a learning curve of the new facebook API, and isn’t actually going to be used as a proper app, as its pretty evil.
