The Open Source Conference in Kyoto

If you’re in Kyoto, Japan on the 20-21 July 2007, consider visiting the Open Source Conference 2007 Kansai (page is in Japanese, with no English translation, but never worry, Google Translate Japanese to English Beta means that you and I, now read Japanese – read the English translation).

There are a lot of participating parties, there is no cost to attend the conference (I understand this is very commonplace in Japan), and if you’re a MySQL person, you’ll find Yoshinori Matsunobu giving a couple of interesting talks:

  • On the 20 (Friday), his talk is titled “MySQL High Availability, and Scale-out solutions” and will focus largely on replication, and the use of heartbeat and DRBD.
  • On the 21 (Saturday), his talk is on the ever popular MySQL Cluster.

Its nearby the Kyoto station. Its a 3-hour trip from Tokyo. Consider it a weekend getaway, where you’ll be pumped with knowledge :-)

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  1. JZA says:

    I wonder if Mako will be giving a talk on Ruby. Also maybe the Japanese OOo user group might be hanging around in that conference.

  2. kaeru says:

    Just a quick post if you’re overseas:

    * Kyoto is on the other side (ie. near Osaka), so if you’re flying in, better to fly to Osaka instead of Tokyo

    * Kyoto and Nara are pretty places for sightseeing.

  3. ericb says:

    Hi Colin,

    FYI, Jean Christophe Helary, will attend the conf, and he’ll probably present a Working version in Japanese of Aqua ( Mac OS X version, running without X11).

    I don’ tknow why, but Maho didn’t any announce anything about japanese version, while we provide one.

    For the interested people, I do provide developer builds ( means unofficial, and hacked builds), perfectly working for Kotoeri (pardon my bad translation).

    Contact me in private if interested

    ( ericb at openpoffice dot org )

  4. kaeru says:

    Just a quick post if you're overseas:

    * Kyoto is on the other side (ie. near Osaka), so if you're flying in, better to fly to Osaka instead of Tokyo

    * Kyoto and Nara are pretty places for sightseeing.
