“Office hours” for MySQL Singapore visit

It has become obvious that there are just too many people to meet up with, and too many locations to travel to, with so little time to do them all. So setting up temporary office, seems to make the most sense! Those that have emailed me, have also received the following in their email.

Lobby Lounge Restaurant/Cafe
Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel
392, Havelock Rd

Thursday, July 5 2.30pm – 6pm
Friday, July 6 8am – 11am

What to do if I’m not there?
Just drop me an SMS or a quick call to +6-012-204-3201.

This is in addition to the meetup we’re having. Depending on how my meetings on Friday go, there might be yet another afternoon session available.

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One Comment

  1. Fred says:

    Good luck with 8am in Singapore, that is wake up time for locals, then breakfast from 9 am to 10 then work time :-)
