Colin Charles Agenda

Ubuntu Live

Tell me what’s wrong with the picture:
Ubuntu Live

Anyways, Ubuntu Live looks like a great conference. The session line-up looks more like a conference than the one-day FUDCon’s, and with the tracks (there are 4 concurrent tracks), I am truly impressed. A big part of me wishes I was there… Some interesting tech bloggers like Stephen O’Grady of Redmonk fame, and Matt Asay are keynoting.

Of course, MySQL’s very own CEO, MÃ¥rten Mickos is also giving a keynote on Monday July 23, at 9:20-9.40am.

One caveat with Ubuntu Live: its cost. FUDCon is free, and true to its nature, really does spread community love (with about two tracks). Its USD$895 to attend Ubuntu Live – very troublesome to the pocketbook.

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