Fedora Project stickers?

Does anyone know where I can get this? You know, to decorate my laptop with? Preferably large stickers to stick at the back of my laptop screen and small enough badges for sticking on desktops, or even to replace the “Designed for Windows” badge.

Closest I’ve found is this little bit from Fedora Weekly News Issue #95 on stickers. Stop worrying about the trademark violations for crying out loud, and have official stickers already.

This was the problem, and probably still is the problem with The Fedora Project. Discuss, discuss, discuss, but when it comes to doing, there’s a lot of waiting. Well, its not only the Fedora Project that suffers from this disease known as over-discussing. Probably a rant for another day…

P/S: Someone from the Ubuntu LoCo team was handing out Ubuntu stickers as well as PC badges (those small ones that look like the Intel Inside or Powered by Windows logos) at linux.conf.au 2007. It’d be cool if there were Fedora ones to hand out as well…

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