YUM’s mirror-select

Today I appreciate YUM’s mirror-select tool, in comparison to what APT offers me. OptusNet’s mirror is down, so its a case of editing /etc/apt/sources.list and doing a %s/au.archive/archive/g. With YUM, it’d have just found another mirror – now that seems like (good) redundancy to me.

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  1. cos says:

    yeah, but i’ll take a quick search/replace of /etc/apt/sources.list over having to wait 5 minutes for yum to fetch all the repository data every frigging time i run it – even for a “yum search”!

    (also, you know you can list multiple sites in /etc/apt/sources.list, right? if one fails, it goes to the next one…)

  2. byte says:

    @cos: yeah, but the default ubuntu install (and I’m trying to be a user here) only lists *one*. And there’s no real fabulous message if you use their gui front-end tool

    btw, yum can search from its cached repositories as well. and its pretty darn sped up nowadays – try it in F7

  3. cos says:

    Certainly (i guess they need to roll “netselect-apt” into the install somewhere)

    I heard F7’s yum is faster, but I use RHEL. Wake me up when it’s in that ;)

  4. aubs says:

    why cant the gui be redesigned to point and click off a map of the world or timezone… then fetch the latest sites from that region, display them “NICELY” in the gui and have a point and click from there???

  5. cos says:

    Certainly (i guess they need to roll “netselect-apt” into the install somewhere)

    I heard F7's yum is faster, but I use RHEL. Wake me up when it's in that ;)
