Ruby Gems, Mono System.Windows.Forms on Ubuntu

I’ve recently started doing more development locally on my Ubuntu (Feisty Fawn) laptop (as opposed to being logged in via ssh to various machines, generally running Fedora), and have noticed some quick snags.

Ruby Gems
They’re currently installed in /var/lib/gems/1.8 which is not in your PATH. So if for example, you use cheat, you’re not going to find it. Fix it via adding /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin to your PATH (my .bashrc has it looking such as: PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin)

Mono, and System.Windows.Forms
I have no problems with Mono and .NET related applications, normally. I run Tomboy (which I like, a lot), I can fire up f-spot, and when I need to Beagle runs fine too. But of late, I’ve had to run an application that required System.Windows.Forms, aka WinForms. Little did I know I’d need to install the winforms stuff, so a sudo apt-get install libmono-winforms* fixed this for me.

This still hasn’t made my required application run properly, but I’m now a step closer to finding out compatibility with Windows-based .NET applications and Mono. All thanks to the useful Mono Migration Analyzer (MoMA). Hat tip to Ditesh for pointing me to MoMA.

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  1. Dominiek says:

    Thanks for the tip on the libmono-winforms package, kinda hard to find any information about it!

  2. PRMan says:

    Thanks for the tip!

    I spent almost an hour trying to figure out how to solve the System.Windows.Forms.dll 1.0.5000.0 not found in the Global Assembly Cache error.

    It’s just dumb that this is not included by default. How do they expect people to run existing .NET 1.1 software?

    (BTW, the asterisk is required on the apt-get statement listed above.)

    Thanks again!

  3. Ben says:

    Really useful article.
    I’ve written an article about how to create a RubyGem on a Windows PC.

    Keep up the good work,

  4. Matt says:

    Thanks a lot … just what i was looking for!

  5. PRMan says:

    Thanks for the tip!

    I spent almost an hour trying to figure out how to solve the System.Windows.Forms.dll 1.0.5000.0 not found in the Global Assembly Cache error.

    It's just dumb that this is not included by default. How do they expect people to run existing .NET 1.1 software?

    (BTW, the asterisk is required on the apt-get statement listed above.)

    Thanks again!
