Colin Pichot

Not having played a game since Prince of Persia (and we’re talking the original game, with block-like graphics, on some ancient hardware, back in 1990), I decided to try out Second Life today. Surprisingly, the getdeb folk have this for Ubuntu, even in its 64-bit variety. Installation was simple:

  • sudo dpkg -i secondlife-install_1.18.1.2-1~getdeb1_amd64.deb
  • Realise that I’m missing a dependency, so install lib32asound2
  • Attempt to start secondlife

And fail, of course. I got a Window Creation Error. Not content with this, I started it up from a terminal, and looked at the error messages pass by. Finally found the rather telling line: WARNING: createContext: window creation failure. SDL: Couldn’t find matching GLX visual. It seems that its all got to do with the bit-depth of colour, so a quick replace of the DefaultDepth in xorg.conf was in lieu (it originally was DefaultDepth 16 but its now DefaultDepth 24).

Restart X, and I launched Second Life with success! Now signing up was a bit of a chore as I had to find a new name and so on. A lot of ideal names are taken up, so I settled with Colin Pichot. One of the things I quickly changed was how much bandwidth SL was allowed to use – quick reduction to 50kbps from its usual default (of like 700kbps+). I joined the Linux Australia group, I’ve not developed anything in SL, and I haven’t given them my credit card details (yet). It seems to create a group, you need to fork out $100 Linden Dollars.

I’ll play with this after midnight I guess, when we’ve got more “off-peak” quota to utilise, but initial impressions are its a pretty impressive environment in 800×600. I’ve not met anyone, I’ve added a friend (I think), can’t for the life of me figure out how to put a photo in my profile, and here’s hoping that eventually, I understand what all the fuss about SL is.

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  1. Chloe Banting says:

    I have a similar problem with window creation. More specifically, I get the following warnings and then the process of shutdown GL begins.

    WARNING: createContext: window creation failure. SDL: Couldn’t find matchin
    g GLX visual

    WARNING: createWindow: LLWindowManager::create() : Error creating window.

    WARNING: LLViewerWindow: Unable to create window, be sure screen is set at
    32-bit color and your graphics driver is configured correctly. See README-linux.txt or README-solaris.txt for further information.

    However, I already have the DefaultDepth set to 24, so it doesn’t seem to be the reason of why the SL client fails. Any idea what else I could do? Thanks!

  2. Chloe: you can buy a new video card, apparently. I discovered this gem hidden in the SL client faq:

    “You need the accelerated drivers for your card. AMD/ATI has the fglrx drivers, NVidia has the nvidia-driver series, and Intel has open-sourced their drivers.

    The Mesa OpenGL driver for non-accelerated cards will fail.”

    I’m using a Matrox Parhelia card, with the ‘unofficial’ Matrox X drivers (ie., the ones that actually work) under Fedora 7. Apparently, it sucks to be us.

  3. Chloe Banting says:

    Thanks Nostrum! I appreciate your help.

    However, I think I have a video card similar to what you indicate (NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GS). Actually, my problem was that at the time I bought the computer, there was no driver for linux for this card yet.

    I solved the problem in the meantime, though, and I can run the sl client now. Somebody on sl advised me to use the envy application ), which detected the model of the card, downloaded the proprietary driver, installed it, and configured xorg.conf.
