Colin Charles Agenda

On voting…

Via Khairil:

There is enough of us in the younger voting generation, that can say enough is enough, and it’s time to now shape Malaysia for us and not simply accept the corrupt racist system that is in place.

He’s so right. Even if you are overseas, you can still vote (postal votes, to your nearest consulate). I encourage you to read his entire post, because, he is definitely a forward thinking Malaysian. (notice, I didn’t care about his race?)

Register to vote. And just vote the opposition. Denying a 2/3rds majority is what needs to happen. And if what needs to happen again is the May 13 Incident, then so be it. The racist NEP must go. The mentality that half the population must limp on crutches with hand-outs from the government, is dated – a lazy Malaysia, be-gone.

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