, and why that’s a conference worth submitting to

it was only after reading the amazing spunk that atul chitnis possesses, that i decided to get cracking, and submit to the cfp. i like how there’s no reason for special treatment, and a select quote would definitely be how doesn’t understand the concept of “status”.

a lot of modern conferences these days seem to recognise status (that’s probably also because, largely, the audience seem to recognise status). community events have largely lost their appeal, and slowly but surely turn into silly corporate (read: sponsor) driven events. at some point, you’ll ask yourself, whom you have to fuck to get a paper admitted at some of these events.

so, there are 60 talks available in the main conference. the rest are all “project days” based – much like a miniconf, however largely controlled by the main conference. even the cfp process is the same. i think this will work amazingly well.

at, while miniconfs work well, you’re not getting into the main conference. for a lot of folk, especially those attending the conference with some form of corporate backing, will find it harder to justify their presence, or go on their own pocket.

anyways, back on topic. i submitted a talk about what i’m currently working on, and how we’ve improved our architecture of participation. we’re slowly getting rid of the cathedral-styled development model, and imagine if we can mine india for more contributions! i’ve only heard great things about from jayakumar, and it seems like aizat and ditesh are also going, so here’s hoping my paper gets accepted, and in under 90-minutes, i inspire many more contributions.

also, if you haven’t submitted yet, note that there has been a cfp restart. and the closing date is now, saturday, october 20. read the page if you’re submitting, because isn’t a foss user conference, its about foss contributions.

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