With disk being as cheap as it currently is, there’s no reason to not buy some large disks, and create some redundant backup of images (DVDs are getting stale). Of course, my main requirements are writing to these disks via either Linux or Mac OS X.
And therein lies my problem. Should I just attach it to a NAS like the NSLU2? This ensures the filesystem will be ext3 based, and both Linux/OSX will connect to it via Samba. But it also means I need yet another device turned on.
If I plug disks in directly, I have to beware of the ext3 or HFS+ issue. Do you backup to disk? Are you using a NAS or plugging it directly via USB/Firewire? What are you using as a filesystem of choice? (please don’t suggest VFAT for 500GB disks…)
Technorati Tags: photos, large, disk, backup, ext3, hfs+, linux, macosx